Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Artist Share: ALLISON WATKINS

Allison Watkins is an American artist based in San Francisco. This is her “closet in San Francisco”. I found this work floating around pinterest and was drawn to it right way. The detail and embroidery in this piece is absolutely beautiful and I can't even begin to fathom the amount of time it must have taken complete the work! 

Painting Fun

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday Artist Share: ESKE REX

Big and beautiful orbs drawn with colored ballpoint pen… by a machine. A really, really amazing machine! Created by Copenhagen based artist Eske Rex, in the description below he begins to explain the inner-workings of this crazy drawing machine:
Drawing Machine is a construction involving two pendulums, each suspended from a tower construction and connected through “drawing arms” and moveable joints. A ballpoint pen resting on a drawing surface covered with paper is mounted at the point where the pendulums come together. The pendulums are set in motion by hand, and their movements are represented on the paper. The Drawing Machine serves two purposes: On exhibitions where the movements of the pendulums affect the entire room, and the experience engages the beholder’s body. While the rhythmic repetitions cause the beholder to pause, the drawing emerges on the paper. And as a tool where investigations on the relation between time and movement.