Friday, December 7, 2012

Hatching and Scumbling Oh My!

Last year, I taught Linear Shading to Advanced Art Students. This year, I decided to try it with 9th grade Studio Art Students too. We completed the project following our unit on observational value drawing using pencil. Students were already warmed up to value and knew all about their core shadows, highlights, reflective light and all that other good drawing stuff.
Student Work



Monday, December 3, 2012

Advanced Art Screen Printing

Advanced Art students just finished printing T-Shirts. Prior to drawing the image for the t-shirt, students spent about a week discussing symbolism and drawing their own personal symbols. Students used carbon paper to transfer their image to Mask-Ease. Then the Mask-Ease was attached to a screen for printing.
(This is only the first round, more t-shirts to come!)

I found a very good interactive site that explains and demonstrates four different printmaking techniques. I showed this to students and you can check it out HERE!